Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Solution for Reducing Sexual Violence Against women?

With the recent incidents of rape cases in Delhi and Metropolitan cities, So many news reports, blogs, protests and other ways of expression have been surfacing. Many blogs and foreign news channels citing India to be the least secure place for women made me introspect the situation of the country. A country of 1.2 billion population and sex ratio of 940 females for 1000 men. Considering monogamy literally leaves out 3.85 million males in the country without a partner. In such a scenario and in a world where sex is over rated everywhere, the wrong doing begins.

                As the whole country goes on a rage asking the government to take harsh actions on these people, it’s true that the cases might decrease but up to what extent? As for the information I could gather there have been 24,206 cases filed in 2011 and as every expert agrees the number is more than the official figure. If the sex ratio of the states is considered the ratio is worse than the average for many states varying from 1080- 618.  With such a bizarre ratio arises the topic of human trafficking across borders. Though human trafficking is illegal, 200,000 humans are trafficked across the borders. All for what?? Just to satisfy the human crave for lust. Looking at the numbers and by a rough calculation, it’s a quite huge amount of males left out in the country. But one thing people should realize sex is way overrated comparing to living.

                So, how much might the harsh sentencing affect the rape violence in India? Let’s say it reduces the cases by a huge margin. With the decrease in the rape violence, the cases for the molestation increase. Same story continues and a series of cases of molestation will hit the news asking a harsh sentencing for it. What about the human desire of lust among the left out people? They go in search of the illegal brothels that run on human trafficking. The rate of increase of STD’s which is already high in the country increases a lot more.

                So why not make organised prostitution legal which can reduce violence. Making it legal has its advantages. Regulation helps reduce the trafficking with a constant eye on the organisation with verification of identities.There will be organisations pushing the police to the violence cases into consideration. Mutually every often in regular intervals government organisations need to check the identities of each and every person int the organisations to put a check for the trafficking as well as the unwanted pulling of people into this. It helps control the rate of spreading STD’s if a compulsory test for the members is made. An idea though many may have thought of but won’t speak as they may get mocked but someone has to. Prostitution is legal in many developed countries too as well as the developing and underdeveloped countries.

                Taking about sex is a like a taboo in our society. It’s a sensitive area that the politicians do not risk to talk about. As the heading indicates, the opinion I have put forth here is a mere idea subject to discussion about its pros and cons. It’s an idea that might be worth reducing the worse situation in the country. As one reads the article think rationally and give your opinion rather than just a comment condemning the idea bluntly.

PS: I am not saying that the strict laws shouldn't be or need not be implemented but pointing out that the strict laws that we think are strict won't seem strict to the criminals for long if this isn't implemented alongside strict laws is my opinion and wanted to know the wrong side and difficulties of the idea.